Hi! I’m Steven Hong, a Licensed Residential Real Estate Agent for over 20 years with RE/MAX Results, focused on helping people purchase or sell homes. Even though my primary focus is specializing in older, character homes in Minneapolis and St. Paul, I can help you with your real estate needs around the Twin Cities metro area. I have earned the Old Home Certification designation which covers information such as architecture, old home resources, historic district details, energy efficiency and more. I also have the GREEN designation which covers information on sustainability, eco materials, and again energy efficiency. I currently have a solar PV system on my house that has now been running for 15 years, and recently added a second solar system 5 years ago.
Besides focusing on energy efficiency, I also want to reduce my carbon footprint. The vehicle that I drive , a zero-emission Tesla, plays a big part of that. I can claim zero emissions with the Tesla because of the second solar system on my house which allows me to drive 18,000 miles per year on solar energy. No coal, no natural gas, no nuclear. Just 18,000 miles powered by the sun. This second system also offsets some power to the house, while the remainder of our power is generated by the wind. 100% of my miles are all driven on renewable energies. The Tesla is the car I drive every day, to show houses, attend meetings, and to work at the office. I use this background to help you find ways to improve your new home, or existing home.
My background in technology makes me unique in helping you find your home. Technology can be a great tool in the home search process, whether it's electronic signatures, or online map search, or the latest in mobile searching, or web technology. Also, technology allows me to analyze home prices more effectively. My third designation is e-PRO, which is related to real estate and technology. A perfect fit for a tech geek like myself!
I also am really into photography. I shoot a number of homes for various other agents and you can see a sample of that on my MinneapolisVirtualTour website. Also, 99% of the photos on this website are my own. Look at the "Areas" page and all of the city photos are mine.
Community is also an area that I feel strong about. I have given countless hours of volunteer time to many organizations over the years, 15 years with Habitat for Humanity, 13 years with the Twin Cities Community Gospel Choir, as well as leading an after-school technology club for inner-city kids. I also strongly believe that we need to know and interact with our neighbors, which strengthens the neighborhood, which strengthens the city. I have also talked with over 2500 people about buying an electric car at various neighborhood events and shows over the past 7 years.
I am passionate about home ownership and especially love to help first-time home buyers. I love seeing how excited people get when they find "the right one." I also value honesty and integrity and a transparent process, and I know many people will say that, but you can hear it from my past clients. View my testimonials.
You can contact me at my cell phone 612-990-9009.
I know that there are many agents out there, but you've already found one right here that cares about each client, can put high technology to work for you, is a strong negotiator, and has a strong company standing behind me.